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Parents Suffering From “Baby Name Regret” Change Daughter’s Name

Photo: Today

Baby name regret is real, and if you experienced it, don’t feel ashamed. Maryland couple Will and Carri Kessler named their daughter Ottilie (pronounced Oh-TEEL-ya) after a friend from the United Kingdom.

“I was like, ‘If you say it with a British accent, it sounds really good,'” Carri told However, the couple isn’t British – they’re American. “No one could remember [her name] and no one could pronounce it.”

The situation grew worse as family members could not remember how to pronounce Ottilie. Carri admitted that her grandmother was having a hard time. “She said, ‘I don’t know how to say her name. I have Post-its all over the house so I can remind myself.'” Aw, poor granny.

Three months after Ottilie was born, the Kessler’s decided to legally change their daughter’s name to Margot.

The Kessler’s situation is not uncommon as an increasing number of parents experience baby name regret. According to Baby Center Canada, 11% of its users confessed they wished they’d changed their child’s name due to being over popular, mispronounced or simply unfitting.

Do you wish you could change your child’s name? Tell us in the comments below!
