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Under Cover: 9 Shaded Playgrounds to Try

Where do you go when the sun is blazing hot and your neighborhood park’s play structure feels like a fireball? Take cover! The following parks with shaded playgrounds are our perfect picks for outdoor fun when the sun is at its peak. Flip through the gallery for the scoop.

Bethany Meadows Park

Better known as, "the Pirate Ship Park," this imaginitive playground is nestled in the Bethany neighborhood in Beaverton. Let your kid imagine herself as the ship captain while steering the wheel inside the ship-shaped play structure. The playground features several climbing structures, raised stepping “stones” to help kids practice their balance and a nearby toddler-friendly play area that gives little ones their own place to play. There’s also a deep sandbox that is naturally secluded a bit from the rest of the playground, which is nice for corralling little ones. This park isn’t located on a street, which can make it a bit challenging to find, but you can access it by walking down the trail that meets NW Kaiser Road just past NW Wismer Street.

Off NW Kaiser Road, just past NW Wismer Street

photo: Bethany Meadows Park

What’s your favorite shaded park? Let us know in the comments below!

— Suzie Ridgway