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Letter Go: 10 Questions to Ask Your Penpal

They may have bonded in the sandbox over their shared love of diggers or locked eyes while reaching for the same LEGO in the bin, but since playdates are a no-go these days how can kiddos keep up with their besties? Try some good old fashioned paper correspondence this summer! It will help kids feel less isolated, and who doesn’t love getting mail?

Here are a 10 topics to get kids thinking about what they want to “talk” about with their new friends. Encourage kids to ask (and answer) through a letter. Don’t forget the stamps!

photo: Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels 

1. Tell me one interesting thing about each person you live with.

2. If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?

3. What is a weird habit that you have?

4. What is the very first thing you do when you wake up each day?

5. Do you have any scars? How did you get them?

6. What do you want to be when you grow up?

7. If you could only eat one food for a week, what would it be?

8. What’s the coolest place you have ever visited and why?

9. If you could do anything you wanted for an entire day, what would you do?

10. Who is the person you most like to spend time with and why?

–Erin Feher


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