If you’ve explored every nook and cranny of the Cal Academy and traveled to Mars and back at the Lawrence Hall of Science, it’s time to hop across the Golden Gate for a North Bay museum adventure. From a family-favorite museum under the Bridge to contemporary art hubs off the beaten path, Marin is full of culture and imaginative play. Flip through the gallery for nine great Marin museums to visit now.
Bolinas Museum, Bolinas
This little museum includes five galleries and a beautiful courtyard. There are bi-monthly changing exhibits of contemporary art and history, diverse fine art photography, regional artists, and a permanent collection that includes a detailed history of the Bolinas area. Kids will also appreciate the current exhibit of the history of the Bolinas Stinson School, complete with period photos, and a 3-D map of Marin. Events include Saturday morning art workshops for all ages and other adults-only classes.
48 Wharf Rd.
Bolinas, Ca
Online: bolinasmuseum.org
What Marin museum is your favorite? Tell us in the Comments below!
— Erin Lem
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