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10 Reasons to Visit the Olympic Peninsula

Go on a banana slug safari in the Hoh Rainforest, paddle a boat on Lake Crescent, soak in Sol Duc Hot Springs or explore low tide at Dungeness Spit. The Olympic Peninsula is a wonderland of natural beauty and full of adventures any time of year. Read on for 10 ways the Olympic Peninsula rocks (vampires not included).

Hoh Rainforest

The Hoh Rainforest is the wettest place in the mainland U.S. It gets so much rain that just about everything is covered in moss - if you stand still long enough maybe you will be too! The two easy loop trails - Hall of Mosses and Spruce Trail - will take your family through this magical place of giant trees, fascinating "nurse logs" and banana slugs.

Bring Your Wellies: If you go when it's raining - which really is the best time to see it - be sure to bring rain boots for the muddy trails.

Banana Slug Fact: Can you guess why this mollusk has a fruity name? The Pacific Banana Slug (Ariolimax columbianus) is yellow, curved and quite large (but not as big as a banana, thankfully). These guys love cool, damp places, so the Hoh Rainforest is a favorite hang out!

Hoh Rain Forest Visitor Center
Hoh Rain Forest (appx. 31 miles south of Forks off Hwy. 101)
Online: or Map It

photo: Erin C. via TripAdvisor

What Olympic Peninsula adventures would you add to our list? Tell us in the Comments below.

— Helen Walker Green