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Let ‘Em Sleep: 10 Perfect Spots to Park for Naps

Let’s face it, as parents, we spend a lot of time in the car driving here and there. And it’s inevitable that at some point our little sidekicks will fall asleep while doing so. Instead of circling the block a million times or sitting in the grocery store parking lot, read on for our list of 10 awesome places (with seriously fantastic views!) to park while your tot catches some zzzz’s.

Washington Park Arboretum

If you find yourself near the U-Dub campus and notice in the rear-view mirror that your kiddo has slipped off to dreamland, then you definitely need to head over to the Washington Park Arboretum. There are several parking lots to duck into and you'll definitely feel like you've taken a break from the hustle and bustle of the city.

2300 Arboretum Dr. E.
Seattle, Wa 98112

Photo courtesy of Joni G. via Yelp

What do you do to pass the time while your kiddo sleeps in the car? Do you have a special spot you like to park and nap? Let us know in a comment below.

-Allison Rasmussen