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Expert Prenatal Care Right in Your Own Home

Congratulations–you’re expecting! And one thing every pregnant woman expects? A whole lot of doctors appointments. But heading to the doctor—during current times, or any time—isn’t always a picnic. Which is why UW Medicine provides virtual visits to meet your prenatal care and wellness needs without having to set foot in a doctor’s office. Read on to learn all about it. 

UW Medicine’s TeleOB program was created to reduce the number of in-clinic appointments required to monitor the health and development of your baby. Before your first video-based appointment, your UW Medicine doctor will give you equipment and teach you how to take your own blood pressure and find your baby’s heartbeat using a doppler. All UW Medicine OB/GYNs can provide TeleOB appointments, so rest assured you can still count on your go-to MD throughout your pregnancy journey!

By using your computer, tablet or smartphone and monitoring equipment, you can easily access expert maternity care when you need it and between in-person office visits. You can also expect the same privacy and personal attention with UW Medicine’s secure video conferencing. UW Medicine OB/GYNs help you manage your pregnancy with much less time stressing in the waiting room. Virtual hugs to UW Medical for this one!

As an expecting mom, you’ve got enough on your plate. Now, you don’t have to worry about your safety or all the scheduling switcharoos that come with the abundance of OB/GYN prenatal appointments. Learn more about the UW Medicine TeleOB program.

—Jamie Aderski

All photos courtesy UW Medicine