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Street Style: Fab Kids From Our Nation’s Capitol

Names: Olivier (age 3) and Gabriel (age 6)

What They’re Wearing:
Washington National uniform and hat (above)
Obama tee (below)

Say hello to Olivier and Gabriel who are all about their city. We love how much pride they have in their baseball team and our President (pssst…if you have a Romney-loving kid send us a photo! We’ve got love for all of our Presidents and Presidential candidates!). Olivier and Gabriel’s National uniforms and hats are too-cute (with a bat and glove, they can even double as Halloween costumes) and we love that one look at the boys’ clothes and you know what city they hail from. Kudos to Olivier and Gabriel’s parents for letting us showcase their fun style.

How cute are these kiddos?! Let us know your thoughts on their DC-pride below. 

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