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Street Style: 3 Must-See Fashion Picks

This summer look is perfect for a cloudy day or for families spending their holiday along a windy shoreline. We spotted Colin and Claire from a distance as we walked down the Marina. Their bright summer hues reminded us how even in the Bay Area, the fog is no reason to be grey.

Where: Marina Boulevard in San Francisco
Name: Colin + Claire
Age: 2 and 3

Wear the Siblings are Wearing:
Dress – Gap
Shirt – Carter’s  

Colin’s creamsicle shirt fits nicely on him. It kept out of his way as he scrounged the sand for sea critters. We’re sure his style is an easy find in local mall, so don’t shy away from these colors! Claire’s summer dress is paired with three-quarter leggings, but what pulls her outfit together is the solid pink cardigan. Now the patterns on her dress aren’t running all over the place, and her arms are saved from the beach chills.

This brother and sister duo were more eager to show off their freshly caught crabs than their stylish attire. Still, we give props to Colin and Claire’s parents for dressing the siblings in sync.

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