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Explain Social Distancing to the Littlest Members of Your Family with “Time to Come In, Bear”

Time to Come In, Bear

Practicing social distancing is hard but explaining the need to stay inside to your preschooler is even harder. Little ones might not be able to grasp what is going on, but children’s books can serve as a good starting point when explaining the severity of the situation in a language they understand. Author, Kim St. Lawrence saw the need for a resource to help parents have this difficult conversation so she created a video version of a children’s book about social distancing called Time to Come In, Bear, and she shared it on YouTube for families to access for free.

Bunny needs to explain to his friend, Bear, why they need to stay inside. “The world caught a cold. You won’t get the germs if you just stay at home.” Bunny highlights all of the fun things they can do and recognizes the loss that Bear will feel during this time. The video also address questions from how long it will last to why they can’t see friends and family. It also explains that there are heroes out there working to protect everyone. 

St. Lawrence commented, “No children’s story should be written in a weekend, but I wanted to get this out while social distancing is so important for prevention. We’re in awe of parents who are navigating this new normal with their littles and hope this will help to start a dialogue or provide comfort in uncertain times.”

While no book will be able to answer all of your child’s questions, this video offers a great starting point.

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo: Kim St. Lawrence via YouTube


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