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Southern Marin Mothers Club: Get to Know Us Better!

SMMC Founding Mamas: Linda Lam, Anna Knox & Julie Stanton

Location: Marin County, Northern California


Number of Members: 1200

Dues: $55/year

A chat with 2011 SMMC President-Robin Smiley

RT: What is your favorite activity to do with your kids in Marin/Bay Area?

Robin: I love Shoemaker Beach in Sausalito with friends. SO easy and everyone has fun!  We drag 3 trips of sand toys over to the beach, spread a blanket, open a bottle of, um, grape juice, and let the kids run wild.  They will last for hours!  I have even been known to order pizza and make a dinner playdate out of it!  Then, as the sun is setting, we strip down, jump in the car and head home to baths and an early bedtime for all!

RT: What do you usually do for date night?

Robin: HUH? Date night?  After kids?  I know, I know, but I haven’t seen later than 10 pm since I stopped breastfeeding!  We usually make it through dinner, but anything more than that, makes the 6 am wake up call I get from my middle guy totally unbearable!

RT: What’s your favorite rainy day activity in the Bay Area?

Robin: That depends on whose definition of “rain” we are talking about!  I am from Seattle, and unless my car might be washed away by floods, we call it “overcast,” bundle up and head to the zoo!  But if it is REALLY raining, and I mean I can’t see out of my window, my kids love House of Air- can’t wait until they are 7 and can jump on the BIG trampolines!

RT: What’s the best thing about raising kids in Marin?

Robin: Marin is great.  I always ask, “why doesn’t everyone live in Marin?”   I could go on about the parks and beaches, close to the city, easy drive to Tahoe, but really, what I love about Marin is the people.  People here are so passionate and smart!  I may not always agree with them, but I love how much thought and energy people have put into the choices they make.  The discussion on our forum last month about what kind of bag to use in your compost was a perfect example.  These moms really cared, and were willing to put the time and energy into finding a solution that worked for them and then sharing it!

RT: What do you love about SMMC?

Robin: SMMC has kept me from going crazy for several years now.  In the beginning it was the advice I would read in the newsletter and forum.  Then it became my FANTASTIC playgroup and the great friends I made.  Now, it provides that mental stimulation that I crave after years of deep thoughts which consist of “Pampers or Huggies?”  “Boyle or Sycamore?”  “Time out or take away a toy?”  SMMC is a small business with many different people doing many different jobs.  We have customers and products and people that all need to work together.  I am honored to be the President and love that I get to think of other things besides “fragrance free wipes or sensitive skin wipes?”