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Tiny Birth Stories: Can You Relate?

Our new series, Tiny Birth Stories, is aimed at sharing real-life stories from our readers to our readers. In just 100 words or less, we’re bringing you the raw, the funny and the heartwarming stories you’ve lived while bringing babies into the world. Here are five stories that will have you laughing, crying and nodding your head in solidarity. 

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I gave birth to two sets of twins by Jennifer S

This still blows my mind. Both were very easy deliveries, as they were both c-sections. Round 1, I made it to 38 weeks and 2 days, my scheduled delivery was 39 weeks. My son decided he was tired of being pushed around by his sister, my water broke at 11pm on September 28, 2011and it was time to go – complete water works in the hospital parking garage, like a scene in the movies. My babies were born at 4:00 and 4:01 a.m. the next morning. Round 2 was uneventful, I made it to my scheduled c section at 38 weeks (I refused to schedule one at 39 weeks again). Babies were born and completed our family on November 13, 2013. Our current lives are much more exciting than my deliveries were!

Photo by Heidi Daniels

I felt like we were both being born by Stevie M

My birthing room in my mother’s home was adorned in hanging affirmation, candles, and pictures of the women who had gone before me. In the quiet of night, a circle of loving support, including my furry guardian, held space as baby and I labored in the tub. Working together…we were both being born. In the water, he was born into the hands of his father and exceptional midwife. Completely at peace and in awe, our new family curled around each other.

Born on her due date by Carrie D

I had very subtle contractions start at 1am Monday morning (the due date). I had a scheduled appointment that morning to see how things were going, which all looked good. I came home and worked a few more hours then by lunch I could not focus anymore. The contractions were growing in strength and I knew I didn’t want to be stuck in the hospital so I hopped in the bathtub. That was amazing! Contractions were getting stronger and by 4:30p I felt like I had to get to the hospital or I’d be having the baby at home. We arrived around 5:30p, I was 7cm dilated so was admitted. After a little waiting and some progress, it was time to push! Our sweet girl was born at 10:20pm

My parents brought me the goods by Sherry B

17 Hours, at home (on purpose), no drugs, back labor (wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy), Lots of massage by my squad. Moaning, breathing, grunting, and yelling at my hubs to turn of the XBOX. Internal dialogue “I can’t do this” the very next contraction “I am a warrior” Daughter born in a birthing tub in the living room. Nursing within 20, with family surrounding. Hardest and best thing I have EVER done. My mom cooked grilled cheese and hand fed me b/c she is the best. Then my dad brought pizza which I also ate.

A stay in the NICU by Cara S

My water broke at 2:30 am, with contractions starting at 4 minutes apart. My alcoholic fiancé was passed out so I walked the dog, watched a little tv, then went to the hospital when they were 2 minutes apart. I was told immediately no pain medication because my daughter wasn’t moving. Nine hours later, they decided an emergency csection was the way to go. I was crushed, and felt like a huge failure. But when they laid her perfect little body on mine, none of that mattered. She was here. Beckett was in NICU for 10 days, the worst 10 days of my life, but the day I brought her home, it didn’t matter how she came to be here. Just that she was.