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Here’s What to Do When Your Kid Locks Your iPad—for 25 MILLION Minutes

When a three-year-old accidentally locked out his dad’s iPad, the Twitter-verse jumped to save the device. New Yorker staff writer Evan Osnos recently shared a screenshot of his iPad—and all 25,536,442 minutes try-again time!

We’ve all been there. Your kiddo gets a hold of some sort of pricey piece of tech and disables or otherwise locks it. Osnos’ story is the same, but to the extreme. With well over 25 million minutes until he could even attempt to unlock the tablet the dad took to Twitter, pleading for help.

So what advice did the internet have for Osnos? While plenty of people got technical with their responses, others had a more playful approach. One Twitter user suggested time travel:

Another commenter tweeted to give the tot the passcode. Of course, Osnos went more for the actual tech ideas and not the more imaginative options.

Following the initial tweet Osnos told his followers, noting he was still locked out: “It’s down a few hundred minutes from yesterday, but it looks like we’ve still got 25 million minutes to go. On Twitter, people have suggested various fixes but the consensus seems to be that we’re using an old operating system that won’t let us restart fresh from iTunes. When I get home from work tonight, I’ll give it a try and see what happens.”

According to an update tweet, Osnos was able to get the iPad into DFU (device firmware update) mode and start the restoration process.

—Erica Loop

Featured photo: LinkedIn Sales Navigator via Unsplash



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