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This Uber Driver Bought 30 Outfits for a Baby She Didn’t Know & Here’s Why

New mom Nikki Ihus’s son John Henry was born with congenital diaphragmatic hernia. The condition, which can threaten lung development, required major surgery and left John Henry in the NICU.

As John Henry grew, Ihus needed to get the recovering baby new clothes. The mom called an Uber, got in the car and let loose with some much-needed venting (to the Uber driver)—but the story doesn’t end there.

The Uber driver, Belinda, didn’t let Ihus shop alone. Instead, she accompanied the mom into a consignment shop and bought nearly 30 outfits for John Henry.

Not only was Belinda’s uber-act of kindness pure awesomeness, but the driver struck up a friendship with Ihus and even made a special trip to the hospital to meet John Henry!

—Erica Loop

Featured photo: Courtesy of Nikki Ihus



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