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What Are YOU Thankful for?

Every day there are dozens of things our Red Tricycle team is thankful for. In honor of Thanksgiving and in an effort to appreciate those special people, places and products (ah-hem, coffee) that make our world go round, we asked our staff what exactly they’re thankful for this year. Read on and then let us know in the comments below what you’re grateful for.

I am thankful for a husband who “leans in” to co-parenting. I’m thankful for the Red Tricycle team who inspire me daily and make life more fun. I’m thankful for Mario’s Dry Cleaning and Laundry, who’ve been fulfilling our laundry on demand needs long before there was an app for that.
— Jacqui Boland, Founder + CEO

I’m thankful for my two boys who can buckle themselves into the car, make their own cereal on Saturday mornings and who always make me smile.
— Kristina Moy, Seattle Editor

I am truly, truly blessed that the Y, Trader Joe’s and the wine store are all within 1 block of each other, and a few blocks from my apartment. (And yeah, my family.)
— Mimi O’Connor, NY Editor

I’m thankful for the inventors of Mac and cheese, the one and only food I can guarantee my two year olds will eat. (and thankful for my food processor to grind up vegetables into the mac and cheese, the only way i can trick them into eating anything healthy)
— Caitlin Dowling, NY Calendar Editor

I am thankful my daughter is not an Early Bird and will sleep in. Clearly I did something right in life!
— Leah Singer, San Diego Editor

I’m thankful for baby giggles, hugs from my 3 year old, early bedtimes, playdates with wine, childcare at the gym, an awesome husband and great friends and family.
— Julie Seguss, Bump + Baby Editor

I’m grateful that my kids are now sleeping through the night.  Every night!!  And it only took 8 years…
— Meghan Rose, Los Angeles Editor

I’m thankful for coffee, wine, and the chaos that comes in between.
— Shelley Massey, Atlanta Editor

Wow! I’m thankful for so many things this season. Here are just a few:
• The sleep pillow app. This has aided in the success of countless afternoon naps. Enough said.
• Gel manicures. No matter how many bottles and lunch bags I clean out, these things can go a solid two weeks without chipping.
• Audiobooks. Just when I thought I’d have to forego my monthly book club meetings after baby #2 hit the scene…audiobooks saved the day.
— Ayren Jackson-Cannady, D.C. Editor

As a working mom of two creative and messy kiddos, I’m incredibly grateful for coffee, a helpful hubby, early morning yoga and Method’s All-Purpose Cleaning Spray in Pink Grapefruit (this stuff can be used anywhere, on just about anything).
— Gabby Cullen, National Editor

I am thankful for my four (going on 80) year-old son who loves to wear blazers, dips his bread in oil & balsamic and uses phrases like, “Mom, I’m sorry to tell you this but…” and “Just so you know….” Every day he surprises me and makes me grateful I get to be his mom.
— Amber Guetebier, Bay Area Calendar Editor + Red Tricycle Daily Editor

I’m so thankful for our amazing family–grandparents, aunts, uncles and godparents who are all here, healthy and so much fun.
— Erin Feher, Bay Area Editor

Free rent at my grandma’s. Wouldn’t survive in SF without it.
— Christal Yuen, Editorial Associate + Photo Editor

I am thankful to be able to spend time with my family over the holidays and for my husband’s culinary prowess (which comes in extra handy during the holidays.) I am also thankful for fairies and construction trucks, as they keep my children constantly amused and entertained.
— Mandy Hale, VP Operations

I’m thankful for friends. Especially the one where Joey buys Chandler a duck.
— Kevin Cabral, Web Producer

I’m thankful to be celebrating an epic 10th annual Friendsgiving this year (I have not been home for Thanksgiving in ten years..and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!) …And on a related note, Im thankful to have always been home for Christmas with my family.
— Brandi McWade, Digital Media Manager

I’m thankful for my health, my two boys at home (the big and the small) and that the difficult, nausea-inducing, little girl commandeering my uterus will be out and about very, very soon.
— Jess Pluskowski, VP of Brand Partnerships

I am thankful that my one-year-old mostly sleeps through the night. :)
— Jen Caynan, Sales Director

I’m thankful for cloud-based, instance-specific, indexed server exception reporting and analysis with full stack traces.
— Dan Zaner, VP Engineering

I am thankful for coffee, because its what keeps me awake during work  and it also tastes great.
— Tina Ly, Ad Operations Manager

I’m thankful for my spunky daughter who loves to cuddle, and the technology that makes my life so much easier: Munchery, TouchID, and Siri’s ability to set timed reminders (because otherwise I’d forget everything!).
— Sara Olsher, Marketing + Community

Mickey Mouse. And pacifiers. But, on a serious side I am also thankful for the amazing community of strong women that I have been blessed with during a difficult period in my life. In this last year alone I have seen working moms, stay-at-home moms, single women and even young girls come together and offer support and helping hands. I admire these women that empower one another and take charge in making a difference. It is the very woman that I aspire to be for my children and that I hope to exude confidently each and every day.
— Jen Miller, Billing Specialist

OK  so the serious first:  I am so grateful for my health. Parenting is physical – let’s face it and I’m so glad that I am up for the task, which lets me get so much joy from being a mom. On the lighter side… As a mom, I am so grateful that there is wine to offset all the “whine” in my life with young kids.  Nothing like a glass or 2 or 3 at the end of a long day. I am also grateful for warm snuggles in the morning, run into my arms hugs when they get home from school and for all of the delightful innocent words that come out of their mouths.
— Francie Kaplan, National Account Director

I am grateful for a partner who is patient and kind, a dog whose exuberant greetings always make me happy and coffee. Lots of coffee.
— Erin Lem, Editorial Director

Now tell us what you’re thankful for! We’d love to hear in the comments below.