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What Your New Baby Mama Friend Really Needs but Is Too Afraid to Ask For

The Bump. Babylist. Baby registries are the ultimate checklist to ensure new moms have all the necessities (and then some) to care for their newborn. Sure, they make it super easy for loved ones to buy baby gifts, but if you’ve ever had a baby yourself, you know firsthand how little material things you truly need with an infant. Sure, you need a changing pad and copious amounts of diapers and wipes, but how many onesies does one baby really need? Once you’ve got the big-ticket items secured, like your car seat and stroller, the greatest thing that someone needs is help!

Now I don’t know of any baby registries that list help or more accurately, haaaalp!, as an option and it’s really, really hard for most new moms to ask for it. When you’re in that foggy postpartum delirium it’s nearly impossible to articulate what you really need even when your household is falling apart. So if you’ve got a friend who is expecting, here are a few ways to ‘think outside the registry box’ and shower her in a really impactful way. 

This post originally appeared on AVYNnation,