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11 Reasons You Can’t Wait for School to Start

We love summer: the warm days, lazy mornings and endless adventures outdoors. And no matter your work schedule, there seems to be so much more time with the kiddos. Sometimes, though, we have to admit—there’s a lot to be said for the kids going to school, and we are not just talking about the “learning.” Read on for 11 reasons we’re excited for school to start.

1. Because making one lunch now seems so simple compared to the level of snacks you must provide all day.

2. Bedtime battles will be reduced to a dull roar—there’s something to be said for it getting darker earlier. 

3. Your threat of “What would your teacher think of this behavior?” falls on deaf ears.

4. The friendships they kiddos have at school!  How many of us actually made playdates with those schoolyard besties?

5. You prefer your coffee hot in a travel mug rather than cold, sitting out on the counter for hours because #summer #childcarefellthrough #workingfromhome.

6. You want the kiddie pool to yourself. Admit it.

7. Because the kids seem to have forgotten what state they live in, how to flush the toilet and what “we’ve got 15 minutes to get ready” means, even though you still have a routine!

8. You have a thing for brightly colored pencils and Trapper Keepers and usually sneak something for yourself into the back-to-school-supply basket.

9. Because there are only so many toy car/robot men/mini piano/Roku remote/flashlight/singing piggy bank batteries one mama can change before she loses it.

10. Your summer camp doesn’t offer “school lunches.”

11. The joyful moment when you pick them up.


Gabby Cullen, Beth Shea, Ayren Jackson-Cannady, Jesseca Stenson, Amber Guetebier

photo: London Scout via Unsplash