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Work at Home Tips from Work from Home Pros

We have entered a new normal stage of self-isolation for the foreseeable future and this means that many will be working from home for an extended period. There are a lot of social media posts from people who are suddenly thrust into the world of working from home. My colleagues and I are work from home veterans, so we put together some tips, including some products we personally love, for staying productive from home. 

1. Find dedicated office space. Even if it is a desk in a closet or a tiny corner, having a dedicated workspace helps keep you focused during work hours and away during off-hours.

2. Play soothing music. I put on Alexa and say “Spa” music. It drowns out my kids in the background.

3. Find a quiet place for client calls. Walk-in closets work great (all of those clothes make a natural buffer to screaming kids!). In a pinch, you can also go sit in your car.

4. Get up and move and incorporate exercise into your day. I have a pull-up bar installed on my office door for getting in some pull ups in between periods of working. Another good all-body exercise is to hold a plank in 20-30 second increments, or if you live in a quiet neighborhood, take a walk around the block to get some fresh air and clear your head.

I’ve found that keeping my workspace clean of clutter with multi-purpose must-haves helps to keep me focused. For example, I use the T2W from LumiCharge which combines an LED Lamp, Bluetooth Speaker and Wireless Phone Charger all in one. I also recommend having a versatile water bottle you love on the desk at all times, but especially during this unusual time. Why? Keeping up with healthy routines during isolation is so important and hydration is top of the list as a simple thing everyone can and should do. My favorite is made by Fressko because I can enjoy plain water, or infuse tea or fruit and veggies for variety to help encourage hydration while reducing the urge to eat everything in the pantry out of boredom.

I’ve seen a few memes declaring dogs the winners of quarantine because they have their families at home with them now. But a lot of new work from home people are about to learn the fun of the conference call from home and what happens when you’re in the middle of one and Fido needs to go outside, or decides to start barking during your turn to talk. Wayzn is a smart device that gives you full control of your sliding glass door from wherever you are in the world, even if that’s only in your home office with the door shut. Pro Tip: Use that mute button whenever you aren’t actively speaking. Be well and stay healthy!