When you’re out with the kids all day, you need snacks… lots of snacks. We aren’t sure where they put it all, but no matter where you are—the pool, the park, waiting in the car to pick up an older sibling—you can expect a near-constant stream of requests for food. While we know it’s easy to buy yummy options for on-the-go noshing at favorites like Trader Joe’s and Costco, sometimes it’s helpful to whip up some protein snacks for kids that are sure to keep them full and energized, so that last trip down the slide won’t end in a hangry meltdown.

We’ve found 14 kid-friendly, protein-fueled snacks that don’t take too much time to prepare and taste amazing. Some can be toted around without a chilled lunch bag, while others require the all-mighty ice pack, so take a peek and try out some new soon-to-be family favorites the next time you know you’ll be out all day.

Protein Snacks for Kids That Can Be Kept at Room Temperature

You’re looking for snacks with lots of protein but don’t want the hassle of carting around a cooler all day. These recipes are for you.

Energy Balls

picture of energy balls, one of the best protein snacks for kids
Erin Clarke of Well Plated

Why have one way to make protein snacks for kids when you can have six options for making energy balls? You get a base recipe and six flavors, including Almond Joy, double chocolate, and white chocolate cranberry in this simple tutorial from Well Plated.

Peanut Butter Crackers

Yes, we know it’s easy to slap some nut butter on Ritz crackers and call it a day—it’s our go-to protein snack for kids, too. But, if you feel like mixing it up, try this peanut butter cracker recipe. There are only six ingredients; finding the right baking time (six to seven minutes for most ovens) is the hardest part. Click on the image for the recipe.

Energy-Boosting Trail Mix

picture of energy-boosting trail mix, one of the best protein snacks for kids
Kristine’s Kitchen Blog

Okay, sure, you can buy trail mix during your next trip to the store, but when you make your own, you can add whatever you want—toasted coconut and dark chocolate, for example—like this version spotted on Kristine’s Kitchen Blog.

Spiced Nuts

picture of spiced nuts from Once Upon a Chef
Once Upon a Chef

A handful of nuts—for those without allergies—can stave off a case of the hangries like nothing else. A handful of spiced nuts, like these from Once Upon a Chef, are so good you won’t stick to only making them during the holidays.

Blueberry Protein Muffins

A protein snack for kids that’s also fluffy and full of flavor? Yes, please! This blueberry muffin recipe from Eating Bird Food packs a protein punch, tastes great, and is the perfect snack for fueling the kids while you’re out and about.

No-Bake Granola Bars

picture of homemade granola bars, one of the best protein snacks for kids
Cookie and Kate

Granola bars have lots of whole oats, so they’ll keep kids full and ready for anything. This no-bake recipe from Cookie and Kate is simple and includes several suggestions for added ingredients.

Cinnamon Protein Bars

picture of homemade protein bars
Sweet Peas and Saffron

This chewy protein snack for kids tastes like a cinnamon roll and only has seven ingredients, so making a batch to have with you when you’re out and about is a no-brainer. You can keep them in the fridge for about a week or make some ahead of time and store them in your freezer for up to three months. Get the recipe from Sweet Peas and Saffron.

Koobiddh Kabob Beef Jerky

picture of beef jerky, one of the best protein snacks for kids
Family Spice

While this homemade beef jerky recipe is a little complex, the flavors are so good that it’s worth the effort. Made with simple ingredients, the key is to use high-quality ground beef for the best outcome. Get the recipe from Family Spice.

Related: 19 High-Protein Meals for Picky Eaters

Protein Snacks for Kids That Need to Be Kept Cold

If you’re the type to pack a lunch box filled to the brim with food for your hungry bunch, this section is for you.

Frozen Yogurt Bark

It’s sweet, cold, and filled with protein—what’s not to love? This frozen yogurt bark needs to stay chilled, but having it on hand as a protein-filled snack for kids is worth lugging the mini cooler or lunch box to the park or pool. Get the recipe from Feel Good Foodie.

Apple Cheese Wraps

picture of apple cheese wraps, a good protein snack for kids

How cute are these little wraps from Weelicious? So easy to make and pack for a day out and about with kids, they’re good in a single bite or deconstructed for picky eaters.

Tuna Protein Box

picture of a tuna protein snack box
Sweet Peas and Saffron

There’s nothing like a snack box to keep kids happy while you’re out running errands or heading from one playdate to another. We love this combo from Sweet Peas and Saffron because it’s got a little bit of everything: veggies, fruit, and protein-packed foods that’ll keep kids’ energy levels high.

Roasted Parmesan Edamame

a picture of parmesan roasted edamame
A Taste of Madness

This roasted parmesan edamame from A Taste of Madness gives the protein-filled kid-favorite snack a glow-up and it’s so easy to make! If you’ve got picky eaters at home, set some edamame aside without the parm and just season with a bit of salt.

Protein Egg Muffins

These egg bites have up to 10 grams of protein in every serving, so it’s a good snack for busy kids who need to keep their energy levels up. Get the kids involved by letting them add their favorite ingredients to the batter: ham, cheese, peppers, spinach, or keep it simple and serve them plain. They taste great fresh out of the oven but are also good snacks while on the go. Click on the photo for the recipe!

Strawberry Banana Protein Shake

It’s time for Protein Shake 101 from Eating Bird Food! Get all the details on the best way to whip up this delicious and energy-packed shake, plus six different variations. You can make these ahead of time and divvy up the portions into insulated cups if you want them while out with the kids or drink them immediately after the blender stops.

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