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Chrissy Teigen’s Tips for Happy Living: “See Yourself Through Your Kids’ Eyes”

Chrissy Teigen might be one of our favorite celeb moms of Instagram—and her advice for happy living is something we all could take to heart. So what does Teigen tell us to do? In a recent interview with Good Housekeeping, the former model turned cookbook guru opened up about self-care, parenting, emotional health and so much more.

Read on for some of Teigen’s totally relatable—and refreshing—advice for parents.

Change Your Self-View

Teigen, like most mamas, went through changes when she had children. She told Good Housekeeping, “I think, in a way, we’ve forgotten what a regular body looks like. There are people out there who are struggling, and I’m struggling, and it’s okay to come to terms with realizing it’s going to be a bit of a journey. I’m not blind: I see my body, I see the difference in shape, I see that I gained weight.”

But the model-mama also notes that she sees her beautiful kiddos, too. And if those kiddos came with a new body shape, that’s totally okay—for Teigen and for all of us!

Be the Parent Your Child Sees

Everything changes when you have kids—and Teigen knows it. The mommy to two told Good Housekeeping, “Luna’s bringing out so much of my personality that I was too anxious to share in the outside world before. Now, I get to be goofy and silly.”

Go with the Flow

Forget about striving for Pinterest perfection. Teigen doesn’t care if she cuts corners (and that’s a belief we could all subscribe to!). She’s now much a more relaxed (and present) parent, saying, “My new motto these days is to go with the flow: It actually teaches you to be a better person and not be so neurotic about time and schedules.”

Make Emotional Health a Priority

Like many new mothers, Teigen dealt with anxiety issues following the birth of son Miles. Hey even though she’s a celeb, Teigen still finds balancing life with two kids tricky. But that—or her anxiety—doesn’t stop her from living life. “I’m having to face my anxiety more by leaving the house to bring Luna to preschool. Every little bit is making me more comfortable.”

—Erica Loop

Featured Photo: Chrissy Teigen via Instagram 



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