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This Mom’s Comics Perfectly Illustrate What Parenthood IRL vs. Your Imagination

No matter how many books you read or classes you take, becoming a parent is always different than your expectations. One mom has captured exactly what that feeling is like in a series of  totally relatable and hilarious comics.

Like most of us, when Michelle Lin became a mom, things weren’t exactly as she anticipated. She started a series titled Milk Rice Comics to illustrate what motherhood is really like, compared to what she had expected, and the results are hilarious.

“No one had warned me about how difficult breastfeeding could be, neither my friends nor the breastfeeding books I read while I was pregnant,” Lin told HuffPost. “Something else I did not expect was how much babies ― at least mine ― move around when you’re changing their diapers! We had practiced changing diapers on dolls in our parenting class, and definitely weren’t prepared for wriggly newborns or, later on, babies who would stand up mid-diaper change and try to walk around on the dresser!”

Her comics have resonated with plenty of other parents in the same boat. “Every time I post a new comic, a lot of people comment with similar stories, or with supportive words,” Lin said. “I really love the community that has grown around the comics.”

You can check out more Milk Rice Comics on Instagram or on Lin’s website.

—Shahrzad Warkentin

Featured photo: Milk Rice Comics via Instagram



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