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10 New Year’s Resolutions for NYC Parents

One of the great things about being a New York parent is that there’s no shortage of things to do. Which also means you likely have a long list of places you’ve always meant to go with a kid or two, and activities you’ve been wanting to tackle as a family that you never quite get around to. This year will be different! (Ok, maybe not that different, but surely you can cross a couple things off your parenting bucket list.) Herewith, our suggested list of resolution-worthy destinations and things to do for 2015. Happy New Year!

1. Get a family membership to both save big bucks and encourage outings.

2. Go ice skating in one of the many skating rinks around town.

Cherry Blossoms photo via Tais Melillo on Flickr

3. Welcome spring at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden Cherry Blossom Festival.

4. Join some kind of parenting community, whether it’s a local listserve, Meetup Group or the neighborhood group of parents who gather at the kid-friendly cafe.

Jazz Age Lawn Party photo via Bruce Monroe on Flickr

5. Take the ferry to Governors Island this summer to party like a flapper, survey art of all kinds, and picnic.

Coney Island Cyclone photo via Todd Crusham on Flickr

6. Ride a rollercoaster, old or new.

7. Be a tourist and visit one of NYC’s icons: the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, Radio City Music Hall, The Empire State Building, etc.

Apples photo: Fishkill Farms/Grant Delin

8. Get your fall apples, Halloween pumpkins, or Christmas tree at a place that actually grows such things.

9. Get a snap with Santa.

10. Out with the old, in with the new!: Finally go through the closets and clear out the toys never played with, the clothes never worn — and make some cash in the process!

What do you vow to do this year? Let us know in the the comments below!

—Mimi O’Connor