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Our Top Spots for Local Holiday Shopping in Portland

Colorful costumes and fairy wings line the shelves of toy store portland Hammer and Jacks

Looking for a unique toy store, Portland parents? These independent shops stock the best gifts, no matter what the occasion

For a truly unique toy for your little one, you’ve gotta ditch online shopping and big-box stores and hit the streets. Portland mom-and-pop shops are where the best gifts are. Find that extra-special holiday gift or that perfect birthday present (because there’s always a birthday party around the corner, right?) at one of our favorite toy stores in Portland. Each one offers quality toys and helpful staff so even if you don’t have a gift in mind, they can help out. 

1. SpielWerk Toys

What's not to love about a toy store that understands that children's work is all about play. (Hint: that's what SpielWerk means.) You'll find tons of toys that encourage kids to play and develop healthy play habits too at their shop in the Williams District. Well-made toys that encourage open-ended play are front and center, and so is the play space where kids can test out toys and have fun while you browse the aisles. Books, games, puzzles, and even ride-ons are staples here. The next time you need one, this is the place to shop.

3808 N. Williams Ave., #121

2. Kids At Heart Toys

Parents have counted on Kids At Heart Toys since the late '80s to find the perfect gift for their kiddos. Here you'll find all the brands you know and love, like LEGO, Playmobil, Plan Toys, Klutz, and more. But you'll also find local brands and other boutique labels you may not be familiar with yet, but will want to know more about. 

3445 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd.

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3. Merci Milo

Merci Milo is another one of those super cute toys stores in Portland that stocks its shelves with handmade and quality toys and accessories. They source everywhere—showcasing everything from local makers and creative parents to global brands. Each toy selected is focused on sustainability and is ethically sourced too so you can trust that what you bring into your home is good for everyone. Parents can find a bit of everything at this toy store, from vintage to trendy and everything in between.

2438 N.E. Broadway St.

4. MudPuddles Toys & Books

Looking for a toy store in Portland that's totally in the know? Check out the latest from MudPuddles Toys & Books. Stocking everything from pretend play toys to puzzles, games, and stuffies, having fun is at the heart of their inventory. They even stock gifts for tweens and teens that they'll actually like. Stop into one of their two shops today.

Good to Know: MudPuddles also has a shop in Sherwood (16420 S.W. Langer Dr.).

2305 N.W. Kearney St.

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5. Oodles of Toys

Need "oodles" of inspiration for gifts for your tyke? Take a trip to the Sellwood neighborhood for a shopping experience sure to beat the offerings of your local Target or Fred Meyers. From stuffed animals and plushies to board games and playsets, Oodles of Toys has you covered. They even offer online ordering with curbside pickup. They'll make it convenient for you and give you all the inspiration for the best gifts for your family.

Insider Tip: Oodles' sister store, Queen Bee Soriee, has all the party supplies you need to throw a killer bash.

7727 S.E. 13th Ave.

6. Thinker Toys

Thinker Toys has been a figurehead of Multnomah Village since 1994 and there's one reason for it: their toy selection rocks. They are a destination for children and parents alike, offering adult board games like Catan, and child tinkerings like PlayMobile. Head to Thinker Toys to peruse all their entire selection in person, or head online for their options for shopping, curbside pickup and local delivery. Whichever way you decide to get your Thinker Toy gifts this holiday season, it is sure to a magical and exciting experience.

7784 S.W. Capitol Hwy.

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7. Hammer + Jacks

Need a creative spin on movement-based toys? What about a cute, locally made "Slow Down" sign for your front yard when the teens in your neighborhood pass by? How about a toy set that is both thoughtful and stimulating? If only there was a Portland toy shop offering all these awesome gift ideas...oh, wait! Have you heard of family-owned Hammer + Jacks? Located in southeast Portland's Foster-Powell neighborhood, this cute boutique toy store will be sure to make you want to buy gifts for your loved ones and yourself. They offer a carefully curated selection of toys that grow with kids, and local delivery for those times where you know what you want, but you just can't make it out the door.

Insider Tip: While we love the toys here, Hammer + Jack's community REC Room wins big points with local parents. Programming here is all about Reading, Entertainment, and Crafts (get it—REC Room?). Drop in for a story time, author reading, musical events, and more.

6406 S.E. Foster Rd.

8. The Bull & The Bee

Located in the Moreland neighborhood, The Bull & The Bee specializes in gifts for babies and parents. Whether you're shopping for an adorable outfit for you newborn, or you need a teether that's healthy for baby and the planet, this is the place in Portland to shop. And while they offer all kind of amazing and practical products for babes, parents can also count on finding quality wooden toys, creative toys, books, puzzles and more at this kids' shop. We also love their line of locally made products that support Portland in more ways that one.

7044 S.E. Milwaukie Ave.

9. Grasshopper

Everything you need for babies, toddlers, and kids is under one roof at Grasshopper. Toys, books, puzzles, clothes—this is a you name it, they've got it kind of place. Trusted brands that line the shelves like Tender Leaf Toys, Noodoll, and Brio make shopping easy. Their selection of musical instruments, books, and stickers are sure to please everyone (hint: they make great stocking stuffers too). We love that they also carry tons of seasonal products so you can find something truly special, no matter what the occasion.

1816 N.E. Alberta St.

10. Black Wagon Kids

Although clothing and accessories are the main showstoppers here, Black Wagon Kids also has toys to please your little ones when you're looking for something special. Another cute toy store in Portland, this is the spot to find great puzzles, games, and thoughtfully designed wooden toys that encourage open-ended play for toddlers especially. It's also a great spot to find rain gear to get you through our rainy months. 

3964 N. Mississippi Ave.

11. The Yo! Store

Wait! Is this store supposed to be for kids or for the people that mother them? Visiting the Yo! Store in northwest Portland, parents will find stuffed animals and aesthetically inclined children's books next to a garment rack of cool jean jackets or ceramic plant pots. It seems like this store really gets it, making the child shopping experience pleasurable for any parent. You'll be outfitted with the hippest bibs and bonnets, stylish nursery lights, sleek earrings, and toys from the brand Kid O.

935 N.W. 19th Ave.

Bonus: Finnegan's Toys & Gifts

A staple of a native Portlanders childhood, Finnegan's Toys & Gifts has kept families happily entertained with their wide array of toys since 1977. Although the local shop has given up its iconic corner location, families can still order exciting toys, puzzles, and more from their online store. Think of it like a local Amazon for all things childhood excitement. They offer shipping or pick-up for receiving your purchases. Pick-ups happen at "UnderU4men" during their business hours in downtown Portland.
