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Healthy Little Helpers: Fun, Easy Ways to Keep Your Resolutions Going Strong

For most of us, 30 days is the shelf life for our lofty New Year’s Resolutions, and right around now is when those commitments to hit the gym or bring more greens to the dining room table are starting to wane. Well, don’t give up yet! We have pulled together a list of local resolution boosters that can help you stick to your healthy commitments all year long, from pre made dinners packed with super foods to an app that encourages kids to make better food choices to a juice cleanse for those of us who would rather not give up eating. Click through for ideas on how to extend those resolutions just a little bit longer—you can do it!

A Healthier Family? There’s an App for That: Kurbo

If you’re looking for a little help in getting your kids to get moving and make healthier food choices, Kurbo may be to answer. The fun and easy to use mobile app lets then track what they eat and decipher what foods are best for them through a simple color coding system (red, yellow and green). Also, much like the popular wearable fitness gizmos, the app makes getting more exercise a game, and uses daily challenges to encourages them to roll fitness into their daily routine. The program is backed by more than 30 years of research from Stanford clinicians specializing in children’s weight loss and healthy habits, boasts an 80 percent success rate and can be used by the whole family.

Do you have a secret weapon helping you stick to your resolutions? Tell us in the comments below! 

—Erin Feher

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