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4 Kid-Approved Smoothies That Tackle Constipation, Sniffles & More

Two kids drinking smoothies for a story on smoothie recipes for kids that help with constipation, the sniffles and more.


As a dietitian, it’s no surprise that I’m a smoothie lover—and I’m always cooking up new smoothie recipes for kids. These blended bevys are versatile, easy to whip up, absolutely delicious, and provide a healthy dose of nutrition. Smoothies are also my secret weapon for brightening up cranky moods after a nap—and my kids are over the moon when I turn them into smoothie bowls with rainbow sprinkles. Who wouldn’t want to feel like supermom every time the blender roars?

What you might not know is that smoothies have their own superpowers, too. These handy drinks can be used to address several everyday challenges that kids encounter. The ingredients you toss in your blender can ease constipation, support healthy weight gain, or help balance their moods. And when your kid comes home with their fourth stuffy nose of the month, grab your trusted blender from the pantry because it’s smoothie time! Here are some of my favorite kid-approved smoothie recipes that can turn these challenges into tasty triumphs.

1. The Smooth Move
Supports: Constipation

If your kid’s bowels seem to have gone on strike, this fiber-packed smoothie might just get them moving. In addition to balancing blood sugar and increasing satiety, fiber also combats constipation. Adding high-fiber foods such as chia seeds, ground flaxseeds, and leafy greens can help stimulate the bowels and make it easier to go. If you’re worried your child won’t like chia or flax, rest assured that they have a nutty flavor similar to peanut butter. Prunes are also well-known for their laxative effects (just don’t add too many—you don’t want any accidents at the kitchen table!).


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2. Pink Immuno Blast
Supports: The Sniffles

Backpacks filled with art projects and homework aren’t the only things coming through the door now that school is back in full swing; kids are also bringing home pesky classroom germs. While the sniffles, coughs, and sore throats are basically rites of passage for school-age children, adding some vitamin C-packed smoothies can make stay-at-home-with-mom days a bit more bearable. Dragon fruit, berries, walnuts, and hemp seeds may not cure your little scholars, but they pack a ton of immune-supporting nutrients, including omega-3s and protein. Plus, adding dragon fruit will transform this smoothie into a vibrant shade of pink, adding a touch of magic while your kid is curled up on the couch.


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3. Nutrilicious Delight
Supports: Picky eating and poor weight gain

During those frustrating bouts of fussy eating or when your kid could use some help with weight gain, the key is to focus on foods that are rich in nutrients and packed with energy. Nut or seed butter, coconut oil or milk, bananas, rolled oats, Greek yogurt, and dates are ingredients that make every sip count. Want another helpful tip? You can toss some veggies into the smoothie—not to sneak them past your kiddo (we want them to trust us!) but to prove that vegetables can actually be delicious in different forms. Opt for mild-tasting options like spinach and zucchini to make sure they don’t compromise the flavor.


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4. Strawberry-Banana Brain Booster
Supports: Focus and blood-sugar balance

What do iron, protein, and fat have in common? They all play a crucial role in helping our kids bring their A-game. Iron supports brain development, while protein and fat keep blood sugar balanced, sparing us from cracky moods and wipe-out level fatigue. Now that it’s back-to-school season, these nutrients can be a game-changer for kids trying to stay focused and energized in the classroom. So, if you’re thinking of sending them off to school with a smoothie, go for one that’s iron-packed with pumpkin and chia seeds, plus almond or cashew butter for the extra protein and fat kick. Don’t forget to include some vitamin C from strawberries, which helps the body absorb all those iron superpowers!


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