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This Comedian’s “Middle Schoolers Be Like” Videos Are All Too True

Let’s be honest: navigating puberty is hard and we’re all pretty glad when it’s over. From raging hormones and over-the-top emotions to the awkward body changes and meddling parents, no stone is left unturned in the transformation from child to teenager.

If there’s one person who’s managed to capture all the glory of this crazy time in life, it’s comedian Trey Kennedy in his “Middle Schoolers Be Like” videos. Despite being an adult, Kennedy’s portrayal of the all-out frustrating middle school years is so spot on.

Kennedy performs all the roles in his videos: the exasperated middle schooler, the well-intentioned mom and even the obnoxious sister and authoritative dad—which somehow makes it even funnier.

As if he didn’t hit the nail quite squarely on the head in his first video, he returned recently with part two, which offers even more painfully true scenarios between tweens and parents.

This may be the parent inside all of us, but watching Kennedy take out those trash cans? We’re seriously holding back the “go to your room” right now! In addition to a good laugh, we’re also way more sympathetic to our parents-in-arms raising tweens right now!

If you can’t get enough of Kennedy’s Middle School gig, then head to his Facebook page, where you can catch up on the entire lineup of Middle School Maddox videos.

––Karly Wood



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