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These Viral Videos of 2015 Will Make Your Heart Melt

When it comes to viral videos, 2015 was the year for families to take the spotlight. From funny kids to adorable excited grandpas, these videos warm our hearts so quickly we’ve forgotten it’s winter in December. Watch these laugh out loud and “Aw…”-inducing moments below.

Big Brother Tells It Like It Is
This big brother’s dead pan delivery is so on point he should consider becoming a comedian. If only we could remain as unfazed as him when our mini-me’s tears are unstoppable. Watch this short clip from America’s Funniest Home Videos for a quick laugh.

Dog Says “Mama” While Baby Can’t
What do you do when your trained pup learns to talk faster than your baby? Uploaded to Youtube by Sam Giovanini, this video shows an Australian Shepard dog jumping the learning curve much quicker than his little human counterpart. Hope he got more than a gold star for his amazing accomplishment!

Watch LEGO Get Taken to Another Level
Your kid’s favorite toy? LEGOs. Your kid’s new favorite food? LEGOs! We’re not talking about accidentally swallowing plastic bricks. These wiggly, wobbly jello blocks actually fit together like a charm and are totally DIY-doable thanks to YouTuber Grant Thompson. If you can make jello, you can make LEGO bricks (the molds can be easily found on Amazon for $6-50)! Check out the totally awesome video below.

Baby (Almost) Fakes Sleep Like a Pro
Everyone’s told you it’s the teenage years that you’re supposed to dread. But, for these twins, hiding from mom and getting caught red-handed started before they were even out of diapers. Watch the funny video to see what these babies do when they hear their mom’s voice.

The Sweetest Couple You’ll Ever See
It’s no surprise this video has 3 million views. The concentration of cute is so high that it has resulted in a collective Internet “aww!” We feel surprisingly calm watching this beautiful baby and kitty stretching it out after a nap. It’s basically how we want to feel all weekend.

This Grandpa-to-be Tries to Hide His Reaction
Dance like no one’s watching… is probably the motto for this granddad-to-be. Luckily for him (and us), Justin Hall placed a hidden camera to capture his in-laws’ expression when they found out there was a little one two months along the way. This adorable and hilarious reaction is so close to making the case for hidden cameras at every surprise event.

Six Brothers Welcome Their First Sister
For 13 years, the Lair family had boy after boy. . . until their seventh child turned out to be a girl. In this video, the six brothers meet their new baby sister – and their reactions range from adorable to amusing. Five-year-old Houston, for example, is worried about his sister’s potential affinity for pink: “I don’t like pink because it’s a girl’s color,” he said. Click the photo to watch the sweet video at Sacramento Bee.

Source: Sacramento Bee

Want more laughter? Catch the funniest videos from 2014 here!

— Christal Yuen