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10 Fun Indoor Activities to Get You Through the Rest of Winter

Phew! Who knew we’d ever be caught up in something called a polar vortex? We made it through this time and if it should happen again (or, if you loved laying around in your PJs so much you want more indoor-only days), here are 10 great indoor activities that’ll keep you warm and busy. Click through the slideshow to take a peek.

Indoor Campout
Pitch a small tent indoors, or create a pillow fort and then let the campout begin! Equip your kids with flashlights, sleeping bags, story books and snacks. Tell ghost stories, have a shadow puppet show, and maybe even convince them to take a nap in the tent!

How do you beat cabin fever with your kids? Let us know your creative ways to keep your kiddos occupied when you’re all stuck inside.  

Written by: Beth Shea

All images of copyright Beth Shea unless otherwise noted

For more fun indoor activities like these, click HERE


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