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The Best Part of State Fairs Is Now in Your Supermarket Frozen Food Aisle

Get ready to experience the best part of your favorite summer fair—in your kitchen! That’s right, State Fair Oreos exist, and they’re every bit the fried fabulousness you’d expect.

If you missed the state (or county) fair this summer, don’t stress. You still have a chance to get the deep-fried goodness that is the State Fair Oreo.

Photo: Courtesy of Walmart

Yep, the iconic cookie brand introduced yet another in a long series of must-gave flavors. Oh, but this time it’s in the freezer section. If you’re a fan of sweet, sweet carnival fare, you probably already know that your can Deep Fried Twinkies (also in the freezer section). Well now you can add Oreos to the list of at-home fair foods.

So where can you get the Oreo State Fair Cookie? For right now, these little gems are available at Walmart for $3.98. They’re available in vanilla or chocolate crunch coatings, giving you the option to indulge in your favorite flavor.

Not only are these ooey gooey chocolatey treats the essence of yum, but they’re super-easy to make. Forget about actually having to deep fry them. These way too tempting treats are microwavable.

—Erica Loop

Featured Photo: StockSnap via Pixabay


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