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13 Things Only ’70s Kids Wore

Looking back, we’re not so sure the words “’70s” and “fashion” should ever have been paired together. But as ’70s kids, we owned our style, for better or for worse. From bell bottom pants to tube socks and iron-ons, we found the best of what made this era so memorable. Scroll down to see them all.

Tube Socks. Your kids probably wear these when they go out for roller derby, but you wore them with shorts. And a whole lotta pride.


Lee Coursey via flickr

When you needed to dress your best, the only question you had to answer in the '70s was which pattern to match—stripes or plaids?

lovestreetsalvage on etsy

Our fascination with all things space was reflected in our style. And moon boots were part of that bandwagon.


Underoos: Your sidekick wears his superhero costume for all the world to see. But back in the '70s, we wore ours Superman style—under our clothes.


For those days when a coat seemed like overkill and just throwing a blanket over you wasn’t socially acceptable, mom told you to put on a poncho.



via ebay

When it comes to Toughskins, economics definitely trumped fashion for this era fave. We’re still not sure what it would take to wear a hole in these jeans.


If you didn’t have Toughskins, you surely needed these. Many a mom turned to embroidered iron-on patches to prolong pant life when all hope was lost.


Every kid wanted to emulate sports’ original bad boy—John McEnroe. Whether they played tennis or not, the cool kids sported sweatbands (head and wrist) to be en vogue.


orangecrushvelvet via etsy

What sparkly iron-on picture you had on the front wasn’t quite as important as having your name on the back of your iron-on t-shirt.

CasaChic via etsy

Red or blue, take your pick. You couldn’t wait for summer to hit so you could step into your wooden Dr. Scholl’s sandals.


Kissa via flickr

Picture day meant wearing your special cords in a signature '70s earth tone.


veratidd via etsy

If your mom didn’t make streamer barrettes, she sure knew which shops stocked them, because girls back in the day had to have them.

Ernie via flickr

Ahh ... bell bottoms. This signature '70s jean was all about the flair!

Which one do you remember wearing as a kid? Share your memories in a comment. 

— Allison Sutcliffe


12 TV Shows Every ’70s Kid Watched 

15 Foods You Only Ate if You Grew Up in the ’70s

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