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6 Fun Facts about People Born in February

picture of a kid with a February birthday with his dad

February’s birthstone represents empowerment and inner strength

Babies with a February birthday are pretty unique, as some only have a birthday every four years! Plus, those with February birthdays might be more creative (if they’re Pisces), be taller than their peers, and be revolutionary (if they’re Aquarius). If you want to know more fun facts about kids with February’s birthdays and even a few silly facts about February’s birth sign, we’ve got it all right here. 

February birthdays are more uncommon, and Leap Year birthdays are rare

Not only is it a short month, which leads to fewer February birthdays, but a Leap Day baby only gets to celebrate the actual day every four years. According to Unity Point Health, 1 in 1,491 people is born on February 29th, so although you might celebrate on a different day most years, it’s fun to throw an extra-special birthday party every four years. February 2024 is a Leap Year, so get ready to celebrate in a big way if you’ve got a Leap Day baby!

Your February baby might be taller than others

A Harvard University study of over 21,000 kids shows that winter babies are consistently born longer, heavier, and with a larger head circumference. The study was conducted over seven years and tested kids at birth, eight months, age 4, and age 7; researchers believe that seasonal issues for both pregnant moms and babies, like diet, exposure to sunlight and temperature, and viruses, may play a role in a baby’s characteristics.

But babies born in February have a higher chance of being born early

According to a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, there’s a significant spike (nearly 10%) in early births for women who conceived in May, which means their delivery dates fall in February of the following year. What’s the reason? These moms are in late-term pregnancy during peak flu season, which is known to cause pre-term births.

A February birth sign can be Aquarius or Pisces

Will your baby be innovative, a team player, and a rebel at heart like others born under the sign of Aquarius? Or will your kid show signs of empathy, compassion, and being creative like other Pisces? More importantly, how compatible are you with your child? Check out our parent/child compatibility chart to find out.

February’s birthstone is the amethyst

People with February birthdays claim amethyst as their birthstone. The stunning purple variety of quartz has mesmerized people for thousands of years and can often be found in royal jewel collections in Europe and Asia. The gem represents empowerment and inner strength.

Your kid shares their special month with these celebrities born in February

Many celebrities and historical figures share your kiddo’s celebratory month: Abe Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Steve Jobs, Jennifer Aniston, Elizabeth Taylor, Henry Golding, Danai Gurira, Laura Linney, Charles Darwin, George Washington, Nina Simone, and more.