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14 Incredible Museums to Put on Your Family Bucket List

KidatLACMA-cc-Ricardo Diaz via Flickr

Cultural destinations often fall into one of two camps: totally for kids or not really at all for kids. We found a slew of museums that cater to everyone, offering programming that is sure to educate and entertain kids and parents alike. Start your exploration by flipping through this slideshow of the country’s best museums to bring the kids!

Book a Mission to Space – Paramus, Nj

Whether you want—or wanted—to be an astronaut, everyone can have a shot at space glory at Buehler Challenger & Science Center. You can fly space missions in their simulator and learn about the Solar System in their StarLab planetarium. Public programs include a “Mini” or “Full Mission” for grade 5 & up as well as Overnight Camp-Ins.

400 Paramus Rd.
Paramus, NJ 07652

Photo: NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center via Flickr


Which of your favorite museums offer awesome programs for kids? Tell us in the Comments below!

—Jennifer Massoni Pardini