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Power Moms of the Food World

When it comes to feeding hungry kiddos, every mother fits the term Power Mom. But these women are taking the power up a notch by doing awesome work in the food industry. They are helping to feed hungry kids, creating a honey alternative to save bees, inventing a new toddler sippy cup and making it possible for moms to breastfeed while away from home. Click through the slideshow to see how these women are powering up the food industry.

Melissa Lanz, Founder of The Fresh 20

Melissa Lanz is a former Internet marketing executive who quit her day job to promote good eating habits in the midst of a national health crisis. The result was The Fresh 20, a meal planning service, created for busy families and singles who want to eat fresh, healthy meals, and save time and money. The concept is simple: Every week, The Fresh 20 emails you a list of five recipes that use no more than 20 ingredients. With just one email, your meal planning and shopping list is created! You start the week with less than one hour of prep work, and then you have simple, fresh and delicious dinners ready during the weekdays. This Burbank, CA mom of two sons and wife to a photographer said travelling and seeing the world is a priority for her family. Her sons, the self-proclaimed “Foodie Brothers” challenge each other to try new foods in new countries. When they’re not on the road, Melissa and her kids bond through their mutual love of cooking.

Proudest Accomplishments: “On a personal level, my biggest achievement has been homeschooling my boys and spending five weeks in Australia with my family without having to work. Professionally, I built my business to 7-figures with no investors and no debt.  I started with $2,500 at my kitchen table. I’m proud I can maintain freedom and still run a successful business.”

photo courtesy of Melissa Lanz

Know any Power Moms in the food industry? Tell us about them in the comments below!

—Leah R. Singer