Summer fun is going to end very soon with the awesome memories. We all had a great family time with vacations and outing. But now it is the time to say a goodbye to carefree days and flexible everyday routine. “Back to school” season is  just ahead of us. We all are nervously excited for beginning of the new academic year.
Most of the parents had a mixed feeling about it. Definitely, it is always nice to get back into an established settled weekly routine but at the same time thought of fixed timing, PTO meetings, long lanes of carpools, sports, assignments may make a little nervous and anxious us.
Of course, we all are busy in shopping of routine “back to school” supplies. Backpack, lunchboxes, stationaries….and had a fun while doing this. But apart from these routine back to school supplies, I want to enrich my kids with some unique “back to school” supplies that will help them throughout the next academic year.
A sense of self- discipline
Kids are the innocent learner, they are impulsive by nature. I think “self-discipline” has tremendous positive effect in any person’s life. It is all about being able to regulate yourself. A person armed with good self-discipline definitely has a better perspective in his life and can solve his life challenges more easily. Obviously, kids have the shorter attention span and lack of self-control. But a little effort can make them more efficient. Self-regulation skills play a vital role in academic achievement. They need to follow directions, pay attention to studies and behaviour during their academic year. Studies suggested that kids those who have better self-discipline at the early age develop better academic skills over the time.
So, this is the first unique character that will help them throughout the year. And it can be done at home by doing some simple steps, such as set a fixed time for all routine chores, take their help in minor household tasks and always motivate them for acquiring good habits.
Constant desire to learn new things with courage
We lived in a high-tech world and kids had a strong influence of this latest technology on their personality development. Sometimes, this overexposure may affect their learning capability and courage to try new things. They may get stuck on electronic gadgets and had a negative effect on their physical and mental status. So, I want to break this latest trend. Build a constant desire to learn new things are a great personality trait that is the must for an overall personality development. They should have the courage to try any new thing; it may be guitar, soccer or creative writing. This habit will help them not only in academic studies but also make them an independent and strong individual in the future as well.
Being ambitious in life but had a sense of contentment in life
Definitely, it is great to be ambitious in your life. You should have a strong desire to achieve your goal. Hard work with passion and ambition always help in success in all field of life. And for being excel in academics it is equally important. I want to make my kids ambitious with a strong desire to achieve their goals…but at the same time learn to be content and happy with their achievement is also necessary for happiness. We lived in a highly competitive world. Everyone wants to achieve everything and sometimes this over ambition may cause unhappiness and frustration. So, develop a sense of self- satisfaction and contentment are very important from the childhood. This is the third personality trait that will help them throughout their academic year and in their whole life too.
Healthy body and healthy mind
It is true that “Health is wealth,” and for parents who care for their kids, their complete health (mental, physical and social) is always a matter of concern for them. During an academic year, they had a tight schedule for everything from studies to art, music and sports will keep them busy all the time. But a healthy body is the must for their better performance in each field. So as a parent it is our duty to serve them a healthy meal and keep them physically active. We can limit their screen time and plan family physical activities for their good health. Having a Good mental and physical health would be a great pre-preparation that will help them succeeding in their upcoming academic year.
A sense of humour and fun
Life is a beautiful journey, but at the same time, it is challenging too. We had lots of expectation from our kids. Too much academic pressure may cause anxiety, depression and psychological disorders in kids. It may affect their happiness. So, it is best to develop a sense of humour in them. Laughter is a wonderful way to relieve stress and anxiety. Having some fun family time is the easiest way to connect together.
The sense of humour is a quality that can be developed in kids. And make them healthier and smarter. If they are being able to find fun in the difficult situation, they would be able to cope with challenges in future.
Apart from routine “BTS (back to school shopping)”; this is my pre-preparation for kids for upcoming academic year. I believe that these “unique back to school supplies” will help them throughout the year. It will make their academic and life journey a little smoother. What are your thoughts? How are you preparing your kids for next year? Please share with us. Until then happy parenting!