We need some serious quality family time lately. Life has become really busy and our weekends have been getting away from us. Unless we plan something, we end up sitting around doing house chores or playing on electronics. I have been feeling in a little bit of a funk. I feel like it is easy to get into a family rut of doing the same thing every weekend. I decided to make a change. Every weekend I am going to make family time a priority. To keep me motivated I came up with a list of 52 family fun activities to get you out and enjoy quality family time.

1. Discover a new breakfast place.

2. Watch the sunset.

3. Walk on the beach.

4. Take a nature hike.

5. Walk around your neighborhood and play I Spy.

6. Visit a National Park.

7. Have a backyard picnic.

8. Go see a movie.

9. Go roller skating.

10. Go ice skating.

11. Visit your local library.

12. Visit your local Science Center.

13. Visit your local Children’s museum.

14. Drive to the next town over and discover a new restaurant.

15. Visit the zoo.

16. Visit your local animal shelter and donate old blankets.

17. Go on vacation.

18. Visit a new place you have never visited.

19. Listen to fun music and go for a drive.

20. Google your city and top ten things to do and schedule them on your calendar.

21. Plan an overnight in your own town.  Enjoy the pool and act like a tourist.

22. Surprise out of town relatives with a visit.

23. Do something you always wanted to do.

24. Plan a free day.

25. Visit a Public market.

26. Visit a theme park.

27. Go see a waterfall.

28. Paint a picture together.

29. Go to a waterpark.

30. Have a water balloon toss.

31. Discover a new playground.

32. Play board games.

33. Plan an afternoon movie day.

34. Bake cookies.

35. Attend a sports event.

36. Go to the Drive-In.

37. Read a book together.

38. Visit a Historical Site.

39. Go bowling.

40. Have friends over for a dinner party.

41. Participate in a 5k together.

42. Build your town in Legos.

43. Dress up and go out to dinner. (or lunch.)

44. Plan a Mystery Day.

45. Let the kids pick the activity.

46. Go apple picking or any fruit/vegetable.

47. Visit your local track and have your own Olympics.

48. Make Tie-Dye shirts.

49. Visit your local Art Museum.

50. Write and illustrate a story together.

51. Watch the sunrise.

52. Go out for ice cream.

​What will you do this weekend?


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