Leave it to a woman from Alaska to casually show a confused, apparently thirsty opossum the door when he strolled into a Brooklyn bar.

According to NBC New York, the encounter happened last Thursday at Temkin’s Bar in Greenpoint, which was full of patrons just minding their business, not expecting to belly up to a marsupial. The ordeal was caught on video: You can hear customers begin to scream and holler when they spot the tiny creature inside. Then, in typical superhero form, a woman comes out of nowhere, grabs the unassuming opossum by the back of the neck, and chucks it out the door like she does this sort of thing every day.

“I mean everybody just lost their minds; we couldn’t believe it was happening,” bartender Rachel Bessemer told NBC. “I grabbed my phone, didn’t know who to call, I was like, ‘this is not what people do.'”

The brave woman in question, Sara Fulton, posted the video with the caption, “I did that,” like the absolute legend she is.

“I was hanging out with my friend outside the bar, the door was open, and then all of a sudden we see this critter run in, and we looked at each other, and we just were like, ‘Was that a dog? Is that a rat?'” Fulton said. “We both looked at each other and were like, ‘That was too big to be a rat! It has to be an opossum.'”

She said that’s when she went back to her Alaskan roots and decided to handle the situation herself.

“I’m from Alaska and I used to go camping with black bears hanging out at my campsite,” she explained. “I think it was just instinctual. I just like went up to him and I was like, ‘Hey I know you’re afraid’ … and I was like, ‘All right, I think I’m just gonna scruff you and take you out because that would be the least painful for you.'”

And that’s exactly what she did. In the video, you can see her set the creature down in the street, where it runs off, likely ticked it didn’t get to finish its Bud Light.

All hail Sara, the woman who decided no opossum was ruining her happy hour. Not today. Not on her watch.

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