Photo: Ken Wolter
As many working moms can attest to, balancing work life and family life can be rough. Last week, Amazon announced it is experimenting with a 30-hour work week to improve the lives of its employees. Because it’s part-time, it will only pay 75% of what the full-timers get, but the positions will be salaried and offer the same benefits as the 40-hour employees. To support career growth, the program involves managerial positions, too.
The Washington Post reports Amazon’s pilot program that will have a small team working a shorter week. Instead of the typical 9 to 5, a few dozen people will work Monday through Thursday and only from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with what the Post called “additional flex hours.”
It also notes “A 30-hour workweek could help encourage more female workers, who tend to take on more household and child-care responsibilities than men in the domestic sphere.”
Do you know of other companies that offer supportive benefits for working mothers? Let us know in the comments below!
(H/T: The Washington Post)