This easy kids craft project is for those moms and dads with oodles of broken bits of crayons laying around the house (sound familiar?). Instead of letting the broken crayons decay and mark up your drawers, we suggest using them to your creative advantage by making this super fun stained glass craft, which only requires four items. Your kids will beam with pride at their handmade craft and the activity is likely to keep them focused and not jumping off the walls on these long winter days.

What you’ll need:

broken bits, pieces or shavings from crayons

wax paper

a dish towel

an iron


1. Cut out two large pieces of wax paper each about 12″ long (or however big you prefer). Take all of your leftover crayons and make a pile of colorful shaving.

2. Lay one piece of wax paper down and place the colorful pieces of shaved crayon onto the wax paper shaped to your kid’s liking. Suggestions: a heart, a butterfly, a bird or anything you or your little one can imagine.

2. Cover the pile with the second piece of wax paper.

3. Plug in the iron to low and let it get toasty (careful for little ones pulling iron cords or touching the iron at all for that matter). Cover the wax paper with a dish towel (if you put the iron directly onto the wax paper itself it will burn). Iron over the shape until it feels melted.

5. Let cool and then take off the protective dish towel and ta-da, your wax paper stained glass creation is made!

6. You can cut your stained glass creation into various shapes (hearts for Valentines Day or shamrocks for St. Patty’s Day) and punch a hole in the top, string some twine through, and hang your stained glass creation from any windowsill.

Photo credit “Year in Blue” Blog

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