Have a surplus of candy because there were fewer—or no—trick or treaters this year? Or perhaps your kids scored big and can’t possibly eat all of it. Donating your haul of Halloween candy to soldiers stationed abroad, neighborhood firefighters, and others will surely sweeten someone’s day. Keep reading to find out where to drop off the dulce, below.
Operation Troop Treats
Operation Troop Treats is the nation’s largest dentist-sponsored Halloween candy exchange benefiting U.S. Service Members and their families, teaching children about good dental health and the importance of giving back to those who serve our country.
Donate Halloween candy at any participating dental office nationwide from Nov. 1-6 and receive a toy in exchange for each child's candy donation. Local dental offices will send Operation Gratitude the donated candy, dental kits, and funds to cover the assembly and shipment of care packages for U.S. troops.
Click here to find out your nearest donation location.
Murphy-Harpst is a nonprofit residential treatment center in Atlanta that serves severely abused and neglected children and teenagers. It is an emotional, spiritual and physical safe haven, offering residential treatment, placements in specialized foster care, and community programs that serve at-risk young people and their families. And they'd love your excess candy to share with the children in their care!
Drop off or mail to Murphy-Harpst, Attention: Pam Kramer, 740 Fletcher St., Cedartown GA 30125
The Halloween Candy Give-Back Program gives families a way to donate surplus candy to deployed troops, veterans, and first responders with the goal of forging strong bonds between the civilian and service communities nationwide. This year, donation locations will not be set-up due to COVID-19; however, Operation Gratitude encourages donors to ship candy directly to them (OG Candy Processing Center, ATTN: Halloween Candy, 8967 Oso Ave., Building D, Chatsworth, CA 91311), or better yet, contact a local military base, veteran organization, or first responder department to see if they are interested and able to take the candy.
If you would like to register to donate excess Halloween Candy, click here.
Ronald McDonald House supports families with children battling illness by providing a "home away from home" while seeking treatment. Some local chapters of the Ronald McDonald House accept unopened, surplus candy donations.
Find a local chapter here. Contact the one closest to you to verify that they're taking donations before loading up you haul of sweet stuff!
Local fire stations are not only where the big hook and ladder trucks are stored, but they're also where firefighters live when they're on duty, waiting for an emergency call. And, while they usually keep it pretty healthy around the house, we're pretty sure everyone likes a little late night chocolate, now and then.
PAW Kids is a community organization that provides safety and sustenance. PAW House is a safe and loving after school enrichment program where students can find reading mentors, homework help, and more. Claudia's House is a neighborhood food pantry that offers daily meals for the community, meals for seniors, and more.
Donations can be dropped off at Claudia's House on Mon., Tues., & Thurs. from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Claudia's House is located at 1633 Donald Lee Hollowell Pkwy.