You spend all nine (okay ten) months of your pregnancy comparing the baby growing in your womb to different fruits, but what about when your little bundle of joy finally enters the world? Why should the measuring fun stop there? One mom decided to see how her little one measures up by posting pictures of her baby next to random objects.
Instagram user @HereWeGoAJen filled her feed with images of her new baby Alexandra next to random objects like loaves of bread and egg cartons for comparison and so that followers can get a gauge in just how tiny and adorable new babies actually are––not that we didn’t know that already––and it’s plenty adorable. Here are some of our favorites:
Baby vs. Bread
Baby vs. Roomba
Baby vs. Eggs
Baby vs. Pot
Baby vs. Milk
—Shahrzad Warkentin
Featured photo: herewegoajen via Instagram
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