Let baby have a hand (or foot!) in the holiday gift giving this year. We’ve found seven clever keepsake ideas that can be made or inspired by the newest member of the family. From garden stepping stones to modern silhouettes to classic tree ornaments, here are gifts you can make and cherish together.

Garden Stepping Stone
Treasure those toes forever when you and baby create a garden stepping stone. Gather all the gear needed, including cement, mosaic tiles, water trip trays and a willing little one! Be prepared to strike out a few times before getting it right, says Valerie of onesassyhousewife, the blogger and mastermind behind this DIY design. Grab the rest of the instructions here.

photo: Valerie via onesassyhousewife

Printed Platter
What cuter way to display little fingers and toes than a classic Christmas platter? Mama Erin of inbetweenlaundry went to her local make-n-take pottery studio and managed to get her little guys to slap down a print or two to create some adorable trees and elves. This cool craft is not only an awesome gift but a great way to get baby excited about art.

 photo: Erin via inbetweenlaundry

Painted Snowflakes
A first lesson in art can be a lesson in gift giving too. Nana and grandpa would love to get a hand-painted masterpiece. Easy for babies, simply tape up a piece of paper and let your little one finger-paint over the designs. When finished, peel up the tape and there’s a beautiful snowflake design! Jessie K of playcreateexplore has the full tutorial.

 photo: Jessie K via playcreateexplore

Baby Keepsake Ornament
When you think baby gifts you think salt ornament. This year, instead of just another lumpy looking ball of dough, have baby plop down a hand and foot print instead. It will be a classic addition any Christmas tree. Arts master Anna at theimaginationtree has the full instructions on how to re-create this craft.

photo: Anna via theimaginationtree

Handprint Calendar
From raindrops to christmas trees, who knew there were so many ways to display a show of hands? Little ones will have a blast making each “month” on a cool DIY calendar but don’t forget to give yourself some serious crafting time, this project will take a few sessions. Head over to eisforexplore for the how-to on this clever gift for anyone in the family.

photo: eisforexplore

DIY Baby Silhouette
This is a gift you may end up wanting to give yourself. Skip the expensive sitting session and check out an amazingly easy but super adorable DIY baby silhouette. They never get old and they always remind you of when your kiddo was a little one. Allie at elevenyellowdandelions offers up some good-to-know tips like getting the lighting set, picking the best cardstock and how to get the eyelashes just right.

 photo: Allie via elevenyellowdandelions

Sunshine Art
Brightly colored and full of light this totally simple but oh-so sweet project would be a great gift for an auntie. Yellow paint, canvas and ten little piggies are just about all you need to make a wall shine. Jackie, mama blogger at blessingsoverflowing, whipped up her canvas in just one afternoon.

photo: Jackie via blessingsoverflowing

Got any ideas on how to let baby give gifts this year? Share with us in the Comments!

— Gabby Cullen

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