It might feel like you have nine long months to figure out what you need to know about pregnancy and raising a tiny human, but trust us, your delivery date will come faster than you think. This is the time to speed-learn some of the answers to common new-mom problems that will inevitably pop up. Here are 26 helpful infographics and guides for new parents that cover everything from feeding to finally mastering that baby wrap. Scroll down to see them all.
Pregnancy Nutrition Guide

You might not know which types of fish are high in mercury. Or maybe you don't remember if you can eat cheese or not—it's okay if it's pasteurized, right? It's easy to forget exactly what foods are best for expecting moms. This handy graphic will fill you in quickly.
Finding the Right Bottle for Baby

It's important to find a bottle that just right for your baby. The First Feed Bottle from Tomee Tippee is a great choice because the unique extra-slow flow nipple was designed with newborns and premature babies in mind. The milk flows at a slower rate, which allows for easier first feeds, and the bottle is designed with a natural feel, an “easy latch” nipple and a venting valve, so your baby won’t take in as much air as a regular nipple. It even comes with a Breast Milk Storage Pot, so pumping moms can express milk and feed their little one in a flash.
Making Sure Baby Is Drinking Enough

This clear guide helps you determine that baby is getting enough breastmilk or formula as well as how to balance liquids with solid foods.
Pregnancy Weight Chart

Wondering how much weight you should gain during your pregnancy? Check out this chart that gives weight averages by BMI and tells you where all those new pounds are coming from.
Baby Weight Chart

Keep track of how big baby is during pregnancy with this handy chart that offers helpful visuals for each week, starting at week four.
Pumping 101

If you're pumping, it's important to know how to safely store breastmilk. Keep this cheat sheet on your fridge so you remember the rules.
Milk Supply Hacks

On that note, if you're planning on pumping when going back to work, use these tricks and tips to keep up your breastmilk supply.
Rx for Nursing Moms

What medicines are safe to take while breastfeeding? Check out this list, and be sure to ask your health provider before taking anything.
Baby Habits Month by Month

Wondering what typical sleep, feeding and playtimes look like for babies? Check out this graphic for baby details by month, from newborn to the first birthday.
Poop Happens

You've been baptized into the parenting world of bodily fluids, but what does it all mean? Unravel the mystery of baby poop with this insightful graphic.
Baby Bathing How-To

There are always questions when it comes to bathtime: How often? What products do you need? How can you keep baby safe? When it's time to give baby a bath, take a peek at these useful tips to make cleaning your little one safe and fun.
Recognize Those Hunger Cries

Trying to understand the signals your baby sends you may be easier said than done. This feeding cues chart will give you visuals to help explain what your baby might be trying to tell you.
Master Swaddling

In the hospital, nurses will hand you your baby as a perfectly swaddled burrito, but how do you replicate that magical cuteness at home? Here's a visual how-to.
Nail Baby's Sleep Outfit

The age-old dilemma: How should I dress baby for bedtime? What's appropriate at different temperatures? This guide offers handy tips that promote safe and comfortable sleep.
Dressing Baby for the Weather

It's handy to know whether your baby is dressed warm enough for cold weather, and this cute visual will help you out!
Pack the Ultimate Diaper Bag

Having a checklist to use when packing and repacking your diaper bag is clutch! Check out this cool list, which has all sorts of great suggestions about what you might want to have on hand at all times.
Up Your Baby Photography Game

A baby is born, and the family paparazzi descends like no other. How does one get those super cute, Instagram-sensation style newborn photos? This newborn photography guide can help you out.
Milestones to Photograph

You now know how to get those cute staged shots, and you have basic ideas on effective ways to make your photos look super professional. Next, consult this list of milestones for those sweet moments you won't ever want to forget.
Be a Wrap Star

You're super excited about the baby wrap you received for your shower, but you have no idea how on earth to tie it! Don't worry, here are six ways to wrap your baby.
Babywearing Positions

You've figured out the baby wrap, but what's the best position for your baby to be in while using other types of carriers? The visual above from Baby Wearing International will help.
Review CPR Steps

Getting certified in baby CPR is a helpful skill for new parents and caretakers. Also handy is this chart, which you can keep as a reference on the fridge, for family as well as babysitters.
First Aid Reference Guide

Like CPR training, a first aid class is critical with a new, tiny human around the house. Use the infographic above to review when needed.
Fever Guide

It can be hard to know when a baby's fever is worth a trip to the doctor. Use this infographic guide to help you figure out when not to worry and when to call your pediatrician.
First Baby Foods

Here's a cheat sheet on foods to try when your baby starts solids. This valuable graphic reveals which foods are beneficial (and tasty!) for baby, and it also shows what foods are good as your baby grows into a toddler and beyond.
Get More Sleep

Every parents' biggest question is "How can I help my baby sleep?" You can find sleep training tips here that are worth their weight in gold.
Teething Tips

Oh, the dreaded teething phase that seems to last forever. Use this teething chart to add some levity to your toothy ordeal.
featured photo: Suhyeon Choi via Unsplash
—Sarah Blight
11 Major First Year Milestones & When to Expect Them
Advice to New Moms from Moms Who’ve Been There
Real Talk: 8 New-Mom Milestones to Look Forward to (Or Not)
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