It’s a girl! Walt Disney World may be closed, but a team of animal care specialist are on hand to provide ongoing care to thousands of animals including the newest addition to Disney’s Animal Kingdom. Recently, a prehensile-tailed porcupine was born.  

According to the Disney Parks Blog, the baby, known as a porcupette, was born to mom, Peri, on Feb. 25. The One Day at Disney documentary on Disney+, shows Peri having an ultrasound with Walt Disney veterinarian Dr. Natalie. Along with other cast members, Dr. Natalie continues to provide care for Peri and her new baby. 

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Today, I’m delighted to share some exciting news: a baby prehensile-tailed porcupine – or porcupette – was born @Disney’s Animal Kingdom! Mother, Peri, and baby are doing great. Swipe to learn more in my video! . #DidYouKnow that porcupettes are covered in a fine, red fur coat, but they’re also born with their tiny quills underneath, which begin to harden hours after birth? Those quills are actually what helped the team determine the baby’s gender. And guess what? It’s a girl! . Although @WaltDisneyWorld is temporarily closed, our animal care team continues to provide top-notch care to thousands of animals each and every day. Cast members like Disney veterinarian, Dr. Natalie, provide continual care for Peri – from annual exams, to pregnancy check-ups, the birth of her porcupette, and of course, post-partum care. . . . . #Disney #DisneyAnimals #Porcupine #BabyAnimals #Porcupette #Conservation #Wildlife #ZooandAquariumZen

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With so many families at home together right now, Dr. Mark Penning, Vice President, Animals, Science and Environment at Disney Parks looks forward to sharing more stories about the animals and the amazing cast members that care for them. Follow Dr. Mark’s Instagram where he will share #BetterTogether learning opportunities soon.

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo: Disney Parks Blog


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