Your little kid-o-saurus is ready for some hands-on action this afternoon but you aren’t equipped with a crafter’s closet. No worries, we weren’t either, but this dinosaur egg project is so easy, you won’t need much more than a few eggs. Read on for the complete how-to.
This crafting tip is sponsored by Squeakee the Balloon Dino! Part dino, part balloon animal and part breakdancer, this giant toy is a must-have for any dino lover. It has over 70 sounds and reactions, including chompin’, stompin’ and even dancin’!

You’ll Need:
Three glass cups
Hard-boiled eggs
Food coloring (red, green and blue works best)

Step one: Hard boil your eggs. We know there’s a lot of methods and theories on how to make the best hard-boiled egg. Use whatever works for you, but we found that this way renders great results.
Step two: Once your eggs are cool crack them all over. It’s ok if there are pieces missing.

Step three: Add water to your cups just enough to cover your eggs.

Step four: Add food coloring to each cup–we measured out about 5 drops. If you’re feeling extra imaginative feel free to make your own colors like mixing red and blue to make purple.

Step five: Drop one cracked egg into each of your cups.

Step six: Let your eggs sit for a few hours in the refrigerator. If you’re feeling extra patient allow them to sit in the dye overnight. The longer the eggs sit in the cups the bolder the colors on your dino eggs.

Step seven: Carefully drain the water in the sink and pull out your egg. Peel the outer shells off the hard-boiled egg. Mom and Dad might need to help with this step.
Step eight: Ta-da! You have a set of dino eggs. We set ours up with some pet dinosaurs. Psssst…if the colors don’t weird you out, the dinosaur eggs also make great egg salad sandwich ingredients!

Don’t forget to bring their best dino-friend home! Whether your little one is into Tyrannosaurus or Brontosaurus, they’ll love Squeakee the Balloon Dino!
A special thanks to the blog, Our Best Bites for inspiring us to make these eggs!
photos by Christal Yuen; copy by Erin Lem
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