You’ve got plenty of time at home these days. Transform your crew into a masked menagerie with just a few basic supplies. From fluffy flamingos to woodland creatures, scroll down to find 10 easy ways to let your littles take a walk on the wild side.

1. Masked Menagerie
The classic paper bag mask has gotten a modern makeover with these adorable (and free!) printables from Wee Society. New in 2016, the dinosaur and the unicorn a masked menagerie that includes a gorilla, a fox, a koala, and owl and a lion. Besides that paper bag, you’ll need construction paper and glue. Click here to get the printable kit from Wee Society.

2. Lion Around
We’d be “lion” if we didn’t give major props to this sweet mask from Pink Stripey Socks. Wondering what it’ll take to get your kids to the Serengeti for an afternoon adventure? We can tell you that paper plates play a big role in this project. Find out what else you’ll need over at Pink Stripey Socks.

3. Fabulous Frogs and Flamingos
Turn your little one into a feathery flamingo or a fabulous frog with a few supplies from your local art supply store. We love how the creative folks over at Everyday Dishes use old sunglasses as a starting point. Find out what else you need to make your own version by clicking here.

4. Woodland Wonders
These upcycled woodland creatures are pretty cool. Not only does this project get your littles thinking about the Great Outdoors but it’s something anyone can tackle in an afternoon. Grab a paper bag and find out how crafter Natalie over at Handmade Charlotte gets the mask shape just right.

5. Sensational Sea Creature
It won’t take eight arms to pull together this disguise. Using your own (and maybe a few helper) hands, you can send underwater adventurers to the bottom of the sea in no time. Find out what you’ll need over at Pretty Prudent.

6. Magnificent Mouse
If it’s a game of cat-and-mouse you want, then this tutorial is a perfect solution. Merrliee of Mer Mag has delivered another incredible idea that’s easy to replicate. Get the simple tutorial over at Mer Mag.

7. Beautiful Butterfly
Making a butterfly mask could mean pretty-in-pink or wild insect right out of the Amazon, but either way, your kids will get a kick out of putting this one together. Get the 411 by clicking here.

8. Hare-Raising Fun
Some-bunny will love this mask from Momtastic. Whether your kiddo is on Easter Bunny patrol or if Peter Rabbit is the cat’s meow, this easy project will complete the package. Wondering what you’ll need to make it happen? Here’s a tip: eating breakfast cereal helps! Get the low-down over at Momtastic.

9. Feathered Friend
Bring the Bluebird of Happiness home with a bright and cheerful mask like the one we spotted over at Piper’s Art Blog. Using just one paper plate, construction paper, and a little glue, you’ll be singing this project’s praises in no time. Fly on over to Piper’s Art Blog for the tutorial.

10. A Ridiculously Easy Rhino
Make a rhino mask before playing pachyderm with the kiddos. With just a few supplies you’ll be on a stay-at-home safari in no time. Find out how it’s done here.
— Gabby Cullen
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