Eva Ingvarson Cerise, Bump + Baby Editor
Eva lives in northern Utah with her husband and daughter and misses her grown-up stepdaughter, who lives in another state. She began her career as a magazine writer, editor and copy editor for publications such as Bon Appétit, and then spent more than a decade developing content and defining the content strategy and user experience for websites in the financial and consumer space, such as Evite. As a recent transplant to Utah, she is enjoying exploring the area with her family.
What’s the best piece of advice you got while pregnant?
Let go of your idea of how things should be and focus on how they are.
Favorite baby travel hack?
Pack a clean-up kit with baby wipes, disinfecting wipes, Ziploc bags, garbage bags, extra diapers and a change of outfits—yours and your baby’s. Storing everything you need in the same place makes it easier to manage messes when they happen. And they will.
What’s in your diaper bag or purse you can’t live without?
A small flashlight. My daughter finds it endlessly fascinating, so I save it for when I really need her to be calm and content, like when we’re waiting for our meal at a restaurant.
Your favorite city to visit with your family and why:
Stockholm. I was born there but moved to the US as a child. It’s a beautiful, walkable city with lots to do, especially in the summertime. I also have lots of family in the area and love to catch up with them.
Your idea of a perfect Saturday (or any day) with your family:
A lazy morning spent reading in bed, followed by a nature hike and an excursion to a local museum, farmers market, zoo—any venue that makes my daughter’s eyes light up.
The most surprising thing you’ve learned as a mom:
Just how fascinating it is to watch these little beings learn and grow. Every month, I find myself saying, “This is the most amazing age.” And they all are. It all feels miraculous and I’m so grateful to experience it.
Contact Eva: eva.cerise@tinybeans.com