Have you explored Greenpoint with your kids yet? You may recognize some of the streets from watching Girls or Boardwalk Empire. Once a predominately Polish neighborhood, Greenpoint is now more diverse and includes many young families. Take a day trip there to explore the ‘hood’s best indoor play places, kid-focused shops, a beautiful riverside park and more.

Indoor Play for the Little Ones

PLAY has it all - daily open play, classes, camps and birthday parties. But what's especially cool about this indoor space is that it has a special area for babies. It's thoughtfully sectioned off with a half wall so if you've got two kids, you can be with your crawler while keeping a watchful eye as your big kids climb and play in the older kid's section. You'll also love the coffee bar. One play session is $20, but memberships and play packs are available.

PLAY Greenpoint, 33 Nassau Ave.

Where’s your go-to spot in Greenpoint? 

–Leslie Winston

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