Potty training can definitely be daunting. Whether you’re dreading starting, have started and stopped more than once, find yourself on an unsuccessful plateau, or wondering when to start potty training, it’s a big step. The right tools are a must, so we found them for you. These products are clean, clever, and convenient, so not only will your kiddo learn the tricks of the toilet trade, you’ll be able to hang onto your sanity. We’ve been there and now we’re here to help tackle this childhood chapter. So if you’re wondering when to start potty training, it might be time. Read on for our guide to some of the best potty training supplies out there.
Joovy Loo Potty Chair
Joovy Loo
The design of this training potty has a completely sealed inner bowl and has two parts that fit together cleanly, keeping cracks and nooks out of the way of splashes and spills!
Potty training doesn't have to stop just because you aren't at home! These disposable toilet seat covers keep little ones away from germs and moisture thanks to the woven top and plastic bottom.
Thanks, technology! This little-wrist-ready wristwatch has a customizable looping alarm with music and lights to get their attention no matter what they're doing and remind them to head to the potty. It's lightweight, waterproof, and the perfect fit for small wrists. Available in multiple colors.
We're all for disposable kiddo underwear, but some kids find them a little embarrassing. Underwear inserts are far more discreet and can even work for older kids struggling with a bed-wetting phase or sleeping over at friends' houses!
This is exactly what you think it is. Aptly named "potty flair", this septic-safe, essential oil-scented confetti is sprinkled into the toilet when it's time to go, then flush away! Developed by a mom (we always love that), Poofetti can also be used as a target for training little boys to aim!
The First Years Super Pooper Plus Potty Toilet Training Seat
The First Years
Let's get real: one of the most challenging parts of potty training is teaching your little one to be comfortable with going #2. This training potty makes it more comfortable, especially for kiddos who have some fear or discomfort around going. The footrest lifts their legs into a squatting position that's been proven to make going easier!
The First Years Sit or Stand Potty & Urinal 2-in-One Potty Training Chair
The First Years
The 2-in-1 seat clips to the side of your toilet for an adjustable height urinal, or can be set straight up on the floor for a traditional training potty!
The space-saving nesting design creates either a double-step-up stool or two separate stools to assist kids in reaching the sink for washing up or stand-up potty training!
On-the-go potty training problems be gone! This seat works as a stand-alone potty with disposable bags (3 included) or can clip onto any standard toilet seat!
A one-and-done kit for all your potty training needs, it includes the Frida Baby Grow-With-Me Potty, toilet-topper, step-stool, and clean-up essentials!
Amazon reviewers are gaa-gaa for these training undies! With extra-absorbent fabric that’s still soft and comfy on kids' skin and several styles to choose from, it's easy to see why verified Amazon customers rate these 4.6 stars!
These stickers react to heat, so when your kiddo goes potty, the sticker changes from black to a fun image! They're reusable and shown to be extremely effective in getting your child trained within 1-3 days (all kiddos are different, but having a fully-trained little one within 3 days is a definite possibility!).
All the products listed are independently & personally selected by our shopping editors.
If you buy something from the links in this article, we may earn affiliate commission or compensation. Prices and availability reflect the time of publication.
All images courtesy of retailers.
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