Maybe you’ve heard of some of these museums, but we bet you haven’t yet explored these hidden gems with your kids. These small, local museums are an easy (and cheap) way to find adventure in your own backyard. Keep in mind that many of the museums on this list are staffed by volunteers so it’s always a good idea to call ahead to confirm opening hours. Flip through the gallery to begin your adventure.

Bolinas Museum, Marin County

This little museum includes five galleries and a beautiful courtyard. There are bi-monthly changing exhibits of contemporary art and history, diverse fine art photography, regional artists, and a permanent collection which includes a detailed history of the Bolinas area. Events include Sat. morning art classes for all ages, and a celebration of Worldwide Pinhole Camera Day (April). Check the calendar for events. Kids will also appreciate the current exhibit of the history of the Bolinas Stinson School, complete with period photos, and the 3-D map of Marin.

Hours: Fri, 1 – 5 p.m., Sat. & Sun., 12 – 5 p.m.
Cost: Free
Ages: All Ages

48 Wharf Rd., Bolinas, Ca. (415-868-0330 or

Photo credit: Neil Chhabra

What’s your favorite hidden museum in the Bay Area? Let us know in the comments below! 

—Amber Guetebier

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