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Up, Up & Away: Meet 13 Power Moms Who Call Seattle Home

It may have been Stan Lee who penned, “with great power comes great responsibility,” but moms live this truth daily. Whether it’s heading a start up, running errands or coaching our sidekick’s weekend soccer game (or all of the above!), moms really do do it all. Flip through to meet 13 Seattle moms who prove you don’t need to wear a cape to have super powers.

Jennifer Zubeck, Co-Founder, Play Works Studio
After an unintentional decade-long detour from her engineering career to home school her two kids, Allison (17) and Joshua (15), Jennifer Zubeck had to break out of her comfort zone in an effort to re-enter the workforce. Along the way she hooked up with Play Works Studio CEO, Adriana Moscatelli, and the two have been designing science games for girls and boys, with an emphasis on fun, ever since. Robiis is their first product, and it’s been a serious thrill for Jennifer to see the way this play platform has given girls a positive experience in science and math. As an engineer and mother of a technically-minded daughter, she’s all about the STEM factor!

When her kids were younger, Jennifer lived for the times they would “snuggle up on the couch and share a good book.” But now that her two are older, she enjoys doing anything they can do as a family. From attending school activities, to camping, to taking crazy vacations, this Normandy Park mom finds joy in doing it all with her crew!

Power Mom Pearl: “Be organized and strategic with your time. Prioritize time with your kids, because they grow up fast (I know it is a cliché, but it is true!).” Jennifer has, “no regrets for all day Friday Field Trips, or time spent at track meets, wrestling matches, or choir concerts—even though they were not always convenient or easy to get to.”

photo: Heather Colwill Photography


Do you know a Seattle Power Mom others should know about? Tell us about her in a comment. 

—Allison Sutcliffe